Friday, March 20, 2009



Here are some updates that the technology team are currently working on:

ARB--Automatic Re-occurring Billing:
The technology team has discovered a code error that affects a very few customers who have purchased a month-to-month ad listing. The code is designed to automatically bill the customer in 30 days, when in reality a very small percent were billed the very next day after purchase. Rest assured, the tech team is well aware of each case and actively crediting back each preliminary charge.

ARB Commissions:
Commissions due on renewal ads are being identified and will be sent out in the coming days /weeks. Again, this is a problem that has been identified and corrected. The good news--all of the data is stored and all commissions due will be delivered. In some cases, overpayment of commissions occurred and that will be corrected as well. Additionally, a more complete and detailed process for renewals will be implemented with the new platform.

CRM--Customer Relationship Management:
The CRM system will demo-ed and displayed at the national conference this weekend and will go live in the coming days. While not instantly, this system will correct all customer support issues and concerns in short order and will help educate the field with a database of logged feedback from sales reps and support staff.

LAL Re-design:
LocalAdLink has been hard at work creating the re-design of the LAL homepage. Launching in late April or early May, the sales reps in Las Vegas for this weekend's conference will get a chance to review the new look.

This is the company that is helping design the new back-end and replicated website platform for LocalAdLink and the independent sales reps. They work with some of the biggest names in the industry: Avon, Usana, Shaklee, Herbalife and others.

Thank you for all you do to make this company great. More Info and updates are on the way...

Have a great weekend and God bless,


For the most recent updates, visit:

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