Friday, February 27, 2009

Localadlink See the Hottest Technology for 2009

LocalAdLink has unveiled a new kind of program. The company has created a internet marketing program unlike the others on the market today, and because of those differences, it believes it can help those who are experiencing financial difficulty. The system was created to help those most affected by the recession, whether they are laid off from their job, not making enough on their paychecks, or simply struggling to find ways to increase their income.

The first feature that is unique to LocalAdLink model is the ability to advertise by zip code. The new technology allows advertisers to target their advertising efforts to a target zip code map. This allows business's to have new clients and customers contacting them that are in or around their zip codes. The power of geographical targeted marketing is now here.

Also, the LocalAdLink sets its system apart from the others by offering regular training sessions with internet and marketing millionaires. These training sessions allow members of the system to find out how to market the local ad link opportunity and make advertisers aware of the advertising platforms. The strategies are shared so others can benefit from the knowledge. The knowledge gives members of the LocalAdLink program an edge in terms of strategy. They are able to utilize proven tactics when they begin as an account representative with LocalAdLink.

Also, a great way to market localadlink to businesses is with an auto dialer. The auto dialer allows for members to spread the message about local ad link to as many as 5000 people in 30 minutes. This helps people who need to make money fast with local ad link get the exposure they need to get paid quickly.

They also save money for those who join their system by providing each member with their own professional website. The website has information about LocalAdLink, along with videos that explain the compensation and marketing plan.

LocalAdLink provides a unique internet marketing advertising model to the public. The company works to give people of all income levels the opportunity to experience wealth through their systems. The company headquarters are in Henderson, Nevada.

The new technology of LocalAdLink is that we take your business listing and push it out onto the web. Well, we're not just sitting back and waiting for people to visit LocalAdLink, we are pro-actively marketing your listing out through our partner web sites. Your listing can be seen on some of the hottest search engines, and social networks. Some of these include Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL,, Earth link, YouTube, GMAIL,, Napster,, Redbook,,, MySpace, LinkedIn, Friendster, Bebo, Hi5, Orkut, MiGente and BOOMj

Author: Ron Fara

Important Updates From Tech Department


We are aware that some of you are experiencing problems with 1) ads showing in the directory and or the ad network and 2) getting a white screen when attempting to login. This is a temporary problem as we are currently in the process of migrating from Beta 1.0 to Beta 2.0. This is a migration of all our software ( and the ad server) to a new set of servers. We are conducting this "live migration" to keep from taking the entire system offline during the overall migration process.

We expect this migration to be done by 1am on Monday night.

We expect to have some of the errors occur in different regions of the country while the live migration takes place. We apologize for this frustration and are striving to make our systems completely stable. These upgrades to our system will give us the ability to sustain the incredible growth that LocalAdLink is experiencing. The current system IS allowing ad sales and we will continue to accept orders normally. We are processing hundreds of new ad sales each day. We appreciate your patience in this matter.

More detailed updates on the progress of our migration will be released as they occur.

Thank you,

LocalAdLink Tech

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Technical Update to Field

We have received hundreds of emails asking for technology updates. At LocalAdLink are committed to having consistent open lines of communication with our valued Brand Builders and Account Executives. As such, we have listened to your suggestions and this message will be the first of many technology updates.

Questions we repeatedly receive are "does corporate know about these bugs and are they doing anything?" and "what are they doing to correct the errors/bugs in the system?". The following update is a response to those key questions: is proud to announce that Beta Version 1.0 has been a success. Thanks to everyone for your hard work and thank you for the incredible success of selling thousands of ads! Of course, there has been ups and downs as we expand our technology. Overall, our business model is working and we are proud to say that thousands of advertisers are being populated all across the Internet. That said, we are excited to announce Beta Version 2.0 which is going to be released very soon. Even though we have experienced and are continuing to fix some items we still consider our Beta 1.0 a "success" as we have accomplished major milestone with this technology including:

1. The company is growing at or above 2% per DAY.
2. Thousands of ads are being sold and entered into our system every week.
3. Bugshave been reported and are being corrected each and every day.
4. We have outgrown our current server system due to the huge success and are in the process of migrating to a new server system.

What is our current status and what is "Beta 1.0"?

1. "Beta" is a live test environment. This is the version that is currently live during our soft launch. All major software companies have beta launches.
2. Errors that we have been experiencing were expected and are typical with the Beta launch of any new software. What was not expected was the tremendous volume of ad sales and actual site traffic (below are more details on how we are handling this explosive growth). There was no way to predict that our amazing sales force would drive some many sales and so much traffic to our site so quickly.
3. We apologize for the issues in the field and we are in the process of expanding the lines of communication and becoming more transparent with bugs, fixes, and updates. The tremendous volume and activity has caused many issues but one thing that can be credited to this activity is that our advertisers (your customers) are being seen by the million plus page views we are serving each and every day

Will there be a "Beta 2.0" version anytime soon?

Yes! Beta 2.0 has been on our test servers for 10 days now undergoing testing. We should release it this week! It will cover the following:
1. Upgraded database; allows for more searches and handle the large volume of traffic we are experiencing.
2. Upgraded framework; we are upgrading the actual software to ensure stability and reduce bugs.
3. Upgraded Ad Server; we will release a new ad server. This is the server that populates the ads on and across our ad network.
4. Upgraded Servers; we are moving to an entire new server system (full hardware upgrade) to allow for scalable growth as well as handle our 1.5M pages view per day.
5. With the launch of 2.0 we also have hired 20 additional customer service agents. They have been training the last 10 days and they should come online this week.

What happens as we make this move from 1.0 to 2.0 ?

Your customers may experience some of the issues below. Our testing is very thorough and before we make the change, we want to insure that there will be a smooth transition. However you should be aware that there may be unforeseen bugs which we will find and fix as they occur.
1. Ad not showing on or ad network (this is an issue where ads should cycle on and off throughout the day for next few days -- as migration to new servers occur)
2. Ads not populating correctly on our ad network (,, etc). Same reason as #1.

What's Next? 3.0? When will Beta Testing be complete?

1. Yes, we will probably have one more Beta version before our "grand opening" in April. From there, we hope to launch Version 1.0 of

With all of these updates; what can we see over the next 30 days?

1. Launch of Beta 2.0 (as mentioned above) - this week
2. New (entire new interface, new reporting, new tracking tool, new team management tools) - next 40 days
3. New Customer/Rep Support System (CRM). Log support tickets, tracking and follow up, better response rates - next 30 days

We will continue to release updates every 72 hours or as frequently as necessary during this very exciting migration process to our new system. Once complete, this new platform will allow our systems to deliver MILLIONS of ad views throughout the Internet.

We appreciate your patience and your cooperation to make the most popular and trusted brand for Online Advertising on the web!

LocalAdlinkTech Support